Management of Civil Engineering Construction


1. Practice of construction management Concepts and practice:

definition of construction management, historical developments of
construction management, comparison with construction/project management in other
industries. Advantages and disadvantages of project management in practice,

2. Qualities of a better project manager
Identification of key requirements: managerial skills, technical knowledge and abilities, personality
and psychological factors, leadership, delegation, negotiation, decision-making and clarity of
thinking, education and training for project managers, interaction and interfacing of internal
teams, suppliers, sub contractors and external consultants and client.

3. Duties and responsibilities
Identification of the client’s main objectives: understanding the client’s brief, appointing the design
team, involvement with the main contractor, reports and recommendations, Design process
: co-ordination and control during construction on site contractual relationships of
the project manager, powers, responsibilities, authority and accountability, fees

4 .Client’s objectives
Objectives: the methods used to improve productivity and performance in terms of meeting the
client’s objectives in development and construction, Time: management and control, Cost:
predictions, certainty and risk, Standards and quality: improving standards and achieving quality
in building, getting it right first time, Communication: information management and
communication systems, Client influence: Client’s Charter and influence on performance, value
for money and best practice

5 .Manage a changing industry by adding value
Change: factors that affect the ways in which the project management process can manage a
changing industry. Change management in the construction industry. Evaluating change and
developing best practices and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), culture of construction
best practice, Respect for People. Performance indicators: benchmarking project management
against other systems and practices, use of KPIs, best practice projects, Added value: the
importance of adding value to the construction product and innovation, Productivity: doing
more for less

6. Principles of Management & Organizational Behavior
Introduction to Management, Organizational Theory, Line and Staff Organization, Span of
control, Authority, Responsibility, Power and Accountability, delegation and empowerment,
motivation, staffing, monitoring, controls, power and politics etc.

7. Principals of Economics
Basic Elements, Demand and Supply, Market competition, Economy of Sri Lanka

8. Financial & Cost Accounting
Business transactions, Book keeping procedures, Balance Sheet, Final Accounts, Financial
Statements, Cost Components, Application of costing procedures, Depreciation, Break-Evan
analysis and its applications

9. Introduction to Planning of Projects and techniques
Network Diagrams, Critical path analysis, Gantt charts, and lines of balance method, S- curve

10. Construction Site Management & Safety
Site Planning, Site preparation and services, safety, Site layout for materials and Equipment,
Industrial requirements, factory ordnance, environmental considerations and limitation

11. Materials Management in Constructions
Organization of stores, Economic order quantity, Quality control, supply chain management,
procurement and tracking, Logistics

12. Introduction to Construction Machinery and Equipment
Construction Machinery & Equipment, Handling of Machinery and equipment, Maintenance
of Machinery & Equipment, plant and equipment histogram

13. Introduction to Human Resources Management
Job Analysis, Performance standards, incentive schemes, Labour regulations

14. Construction Contracts
Formation of contracts, Conditions of contracts, Termination of contracts

15. Project feasibility studies
Feasibility reports, activity involved
16. Managing Resources for construction work
Preparation of resource histogram and leveled histogram

17. Cash-flow forecasts
Value of work, cash in and out, relevant conditions of contract

18. Advanced project management
Time –cost optimization, scheduling, monitoring, progress and cost control, resource leveling,
Procurement tracking etc.

19. MS project


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