
Showing posts from 2016

VB Lec note

Download - Click Here Common Properties of Visual Basic Every object, such as a form or control, has a set of properties that describe it. Although this set isn't identical for all objects, some properties (such as those listed in the table below) are common to most controls. You can see every design-time property for a given control by looking at the Properties window in the IDE (some controls have properties that are available only at run-time – such as the SelectionStart and SelectionLength properties of the Textbox). Common Events of Visual Basic .NET Controls Events are what happen in and around your program. For example, when a user clicks a button, many events occur: The mouse button is pressed, the CommandButton in your program is clicked, and then the mouse button is released. These three things correspond to the MouseDown event, the Click event, and the MouseUp event. During this process, the Focus event for the CommandButton and the Leave event for whicheve

Water Lec Slide

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IT Kuppi

IT Kuppi Download - Click Here

Water and Environmental Engineering

CHARECTERISTICS OF WASTEWATER Download - Click Here Physical characteristics 1. Solids          C omposed of floating matter, settleable matter, colloidal matter and        matter in solution. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Ø Total suspended solids (TSS) include all particles suspended in water which will not pass through a filter. Ø As levels of TSS increase, a water body begins to lose its ability to support a diversity of aquatic  life. Ø Suspended solids absorb heat from sunlight, which increases water temperature and subsequently decreases levels of dissolved oxygen Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) TDS are passed through the filter. TDS comprised of colloidal and dissolved solids. Colloids are typically in the size range from 0.001 to 0.45 μ m Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) Those solids that can be volatilized and burned off when the TSS are ignited. Volatile suspended solids data is critical in determining the operatio

Civil Engineering Syallabus

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Properties of Engineering Materials

Properties of Engineering Materials Download - Click Here What do engineers do?  Engineers apply the principles of science and mathematics to develop economical solutions to technical problems.  They are concerned with the structure and properties of materials used in modern technology to improve the design and fabrication What are materials? The term “material” is defined in different ways. Materials are the substances of which something is  made or composed of. Can simply group them as;  Solid  Liquid  Gas Historical Development Materials have been fundamental to the development of civilization. materials used by the different civilizations such as  Stone Copper  Bronze Iron age Material age

Engineering Graphics and AutoCAD

Engineering Graphics and AutoCAD lecture notes   Download - Click Here LOCUS It is a path traced out by a point moving  in a plane, in a particular manner, for one  cycle of operation. The Cycloid The cycloid is the locus of a point on the circumference of a circle as the circle rolls, without  slipping, along a straight line. The Involute There are several definitions for the involute, none being particularly easy to follow. An involute is the locus of a point, initially on a base circle, which moves so that its straight- line distance, along a tangent to the circle, to the tangential point of contact, is equal to the  distance along the arc of the circle from the initial point to the instant point of tangency. Alternatively, the involute is the locus of a point on a straight line when the straight line rolls  round the circumference of a circle without slipping. The involute is best visualised as the path traced out by the end of a piece of cotton when the 

Engineering Thermodynamics

Engineering Thermodynamics Complete lecture notes by Eng.D.L.Kumudu      Download - Click Here Thermodynamics and Energy Heat, energy, transformations, are all ways that thermodynamics is tied into society. Have you ever touched a piece of metal and a piece of wood in the same room? You noticed that the metal felt cooler than the wood, yet are they the same temperature? That is an example of thermodynamics. When your hand touches the metal, your hand releases heat through conductivity, or the ability to conduct heat or energy.When your hand touches the metal, it releases more heat than when your hand touches the wood. Even though the metal feels cooler, they are at the same temperature The concept of thermodynamics came into place when steam engines were becoming popular during the Industrial Revolution.Thermodynamics is the most present science in your life. In fact, it is so present in your daily life it became common sense. It is much more common sense than

Engineering Surveying

Engineering Surveying Exam 2015 Download - Click Here Terms in Levelling  Level surface The surface which is parallel to the mean spheroid surface of the earth is known as Level Surface. A surface over which water will not flow (equipotential) The direction of gravity is always normal to a level surface  Horizontal surface  A surface tangential to the level surface as any point is known as horizontal surface.  Horizontal line  A line lying on the horizontal surface , is known as the horizontal line.  Vertical line The direction indicated by the direction of gravity is known as the vertical line.  Vertical plane A plane containing vertical line is a Vertical plane.  V.Datum A reference surface to which all the heights of the points were referred Can be arbitrary or a National height datum In Sri Lanka we use MSL as the National Datum for heights The surface which defines the MSL is Mean Sea  Level

Short Notes for Construction Material

Construction Materia l summary of Lectures By Eng I.D Wijesiri   Download - Click Here three types of geological classification of stones.    Igneous rocks Sedimentary Rock Metamorphic Rock  formation of igneous rocks.                                                Rocks that are formed by cooling of magma (Molten or Pasty rocky materials)  are known as Igneous Rocks examples for igneous rocks. .                                                     Granite, Basalt and Dolerite uses of stones as building materials.                             Several sizes of stones were used for Building Martials.  Hard stones are formed of Igneous Rocks (metal, Rubble and sand) use for rubble foundation work, concreting works and plastering. Sedimentary rocks are not harder than igneous rocks. (Eg Lime Stone used for lime mortar). Hard Stones (Eg Granite) are used Floor tilling, wall tilling and specials decorative works uses fine aggregate as building materia

Tacheometric Surveying

Tacheometric Surveying   Download - Click Here Dr.Gunathilaka M.D.E.K. Senior Lecturer  Department of Surveying and Geodesy Faculty of Geomatics Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. 70140, Belihuloya. Branch of surveying in which both horizontal & vertical distances between stations are determined from instrumental observations (Agor, 1996). Uniqueness! No need of slope corrections, tension, etc... since no chaining involved. Rapid & convenient Good for rugged terrains with deep valleys, mountains, across water bodies... But low accuracy... Purpose; Preparation of contour plans with details. Widely used in preliminary site locating for railways, roads, canals, reservoirs, etc...  

Theodolite Surveying

Notes on Theodolite Surveys Download - Click Here (complete lecture note. 6 documents here) Dr.Gunathilaka M.D.E.K. Senior Lecturer  Department of Surveying and Geodesy Faculty of Geomatics Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. 70140, Belihuloya.  


Assignment for Construction Material and Fundamental Of civil Engineering Construction and Material Answer the question only relevant to your serial number in Attendance Sheet 1. Construction Material -   Click here   2. Fundamental Of civil Engineering Construction  and Material - Click here    

Fundamental of Civil Engineering Construction - Lecture 8

Fundamental of Civil Engineering Construction Lecture 8 Download - Click Here

Fundamental of Civil Engineering Construction - Lecture 7

Fundamental of Civil Engineering Construction The Economic Benefits of Sustainable Design and Green Building Concept Lecture 7 Download - Click Here  

Fundamental of Civil Engineering Construction - Lecture 5 new

Fundamental of Civil Engineering Construction Bubble Diagram  Lecture 5 new Download - Click Here