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Common Properties of Visual Basic

Every object, such as a form or control, has a set of properties that describe it. Although this set isn't identical for all objects, some properties (such as those listed in the table below) are common to most controls. You can see every design-time property for a given control by looking at the Properties window in the IDE (some controls have properties that are available only at run-time – such as the SelectionStart and SelectionLength properties of the Textbox).

Common Events of Visual Basic .NET

Controls Events are what happen in and around your program. For example, when a user clicks a button, many events occur: The mouse button is pressed, the CommandButton in your program is clicked, and then the mouse button is released. These three things correspond to the MouseDown event, the Click event, and the MouseUp event. During this process, the Focus event for the CommandButton and the Leave event for whichever object previously held the focus also occur. Again, not all controls have the same events, but some events are shared by many controls. These events occur as a result of some specific user action, such as moving the mouse, pressing a key on the keyboard, or clicking a text box. These types of events are userinitiated events and are what you will write code for most often. Events common to most VB controls are described in the table below.


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