
Showing posts from July, 2016

VB Lec note

Download - Click Here Common Properties of Visual Basic Every object, such as a form or control, has a set of properties that describe it. Although this set isn't identical for all objects, some properties (such as those listed in the table below) are common to most controls. You can see every design-time property for a given control by looking at the Properties window in the IDE (some controls have properties that are available only at run-time – such as the SelectionStart and SelectionLength properties of the Textbox). Common Events of Visual Basic .NET Controls Events are what happen in and around your program. For example, when a user clicks a button, many events occur: The mouse button is pressed, the CommandButton in your program is clicked, and then the mouse button is released. These three things correspond to the MouseDown event, the Click event, and the MouseUp event. During this process, the Focus event for the CommandButton and the Leave event for whicheve

Water Lec Slide

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IT Kuppi

IT Kuppi Download - Click Here

Water and Environmental Engineering

CHARECTERISTICS OF WASTEWATER Download - Click Here Physical characteristics 1. Solids          C omposed of floating matter, settleable matter, colloidal matter and        matter in solution. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Ø Total suspended solids (TSS) include all particles suspended in water which will not pass through a filter. Ø As levels of TSS increase, a water body begins to lose its ability to support a diversity of aquatic  life. Ø Suspended solids absorb heat from sunlight, which increases water temperature and subsequently decreases levels of dissolved oxygen Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) TDS are passed through the filter. TDS comprised of colloidal and dissolved solids. Colloids are typically in the size range from 0.001 to 0.45 μ m Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) Those solids that can be volatilized and burned off when the TSS are ignited. Volatile suspended solids data is critical in determining the operatio

Civil Engineering Syallabus

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